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    There are no brakes in the dumbshit train!

    Real Spammer
    Real Spammer

    Posts : 417
    Join date : 2013-02-01
    Age : 29

    There are no brakes in the dumbshit train! Empty There are no brakes in the dumbshit train!

    Post by [KHK]Antumarin Thu Jul 25, 2013 7:47 pm

    Really? What the hell?! Do you, [member who fucked shit up], even think?!
    To be honest I wasn't going to do this since it nobody seems to learn, but due to request I will:

    * HambakenJr and Aiman (a dedicated member) getting kicked for hacking?! Well, that's pretty fucking big already. Have they said anything since that? Any way to reason their actions and try to come back? Were they not only kicked but banned?

     * Nobody seems to care the fact that they (or at least one of them, the one I actually knew) worked hard here. Pretty much every comment I read in that thread was against them. When did the thoughts of the rest mattered more than our partners and friends? I'm not defending what they did but goddamn you screw things up just as bad as them.

     * Even worse, M4 (I don't hate him but he always seems to be in the eye of the storm) again making a stupid joke when he shouldn't, even though he hates them.
    M4 wrote:I laughed when i saw both of them got kicked and the first thought in my mind was about the TTC Razz Karim's partner and my partner both got kicked LMAO Very Happy
    Really? They got kicked out of the gang, do you realize that?

     * There's people blaming Khalid for kicking them out. Seriously, that's just plain stupid. He needs to apply the rules and a necessary punishment. I've received news that HambakenJr has spoken with him (nothing about Aiman yet) but I don't know anything about reasons and such. For all that matters, Khalid has the final choice about the issue and he's doing it alright so far. Leave him alone.

     * Then this guy/kid/whatever Carbon appears out of the blue with our tag (which he fucking shouldn't be using) and says shit like "Once a cheater always a cheater". Ex-fucking-cuse me? Who the hell do you think you are to say a damn word in here? Get that tag off your name.

    Holy shit! You're the best at making everything worse.
    They fucked up, but there must be a reason.
    Quit the (beyond) stupid jokes.
    And if you aren't known, shut the fuck up.

    At least not everything is so bad:
    * The annoying-as-hell kid Javad got finally banned after complaining for the millionth time about people who doesn't like him. You can even feel the lack of whining around the place like a wave of silence and (relative) peace.

    * The levels on the servers not being managed by ranks anymore, that'll help a lot for you to actually make a difference there and it'll certainly shut some of you up which is always appreciated.

    * Knight getting admin in AutoArena server. Not even closely to my interests but it's positive so why not add it here? Kudos!

    Ok, that's it but first I want you to do something for me:
    Don't make me do this every damn month.

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